Here are some info,
Date of tournament: 6th-7th March 2010 (Roll out at 8.00am)
Venue : Sports Arena Cyberjaya, Century Square, Cyberjaya
Game Format : Novice V3.2 (D3 and D4 and newbies Only)
(3 players on break + 2 jokers + 3 reserves)
Open V5.2 (D1 - D4 plus newbies)
(5 players on break + 2 jokers + 3 reserves)
Paints : RM170 per box
Freebee : 1 Free box of paint (to collect during team registration on 6th March)
Extra : Internet TV coverage.
You can see yourself / team play through Youtube, Cuzzy and etc as Cyberjaya-TV will be recording the games
and put into Internet TV. Make sure you put on your best team uniforms, shining markers, Glamor Facemasks and etc.
So come join us in the inauguration of new paintball series, CPCL 2010.
Check out out website for more information or become Soldier of Fortune (hired gun) by joining other teams.
Please email your team registration form to or (you can download the form from our website).
If you need any clarification or information, please contact 019-225 6103 or Ms Fifi 016-337 9373.